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Our Computer Vision Technique (CVT) used with Machine Learning algorithms for Facies prediction and Rock Typing.
BRAZIL (off-shore), Carbonates
Computer Vision Technique - CVT
Squeezing image information for better reservoir understanding
We have developed a tool for obtaining quantitative data from images. Our Computer Vision Technique (CVT) generates an image-based new set of logs (intensity and morphology) that can be used for quantifying Net to gross in heterolithic deposits, definition of fluid contacts, facies prediction, rock typing, and accurate core depth matching
Outcrop and Core description using mobile devices
LithoHero is software designed to collect, record, and display sedimentological and stratigraphic data during fieldwork. The application can be used to describe outcrops or cores. It provides a friendly and comfortable interface that easily adapts to tablets and smartphones running Android (5.0 or higher). It uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the camera included in the device. Data can be exported as CSV (Comma Separated Values), as LAS (Log ASCII Standard), and as images.

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