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Seismic Geometric Decomposition

Seismic Post-Processing Enhancement

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Seismic Geometric Decomposition (SGD) is a patented technique that captures the internal architecture of the seismic reflectors to produce high definition seismic volumes that can be used to improve the delineation of the Fault System, the external and internal reservoir architecture, to recognize reflectivity patterns for geomorphological analysis, and to generate High Resolution Rock property volumes.


CAYROS’ Seismic Geometric Decomposition (SGD) technology reveals internal subtleties that often cannot be resolved by legacy seismic. Its proprietary workflows, which can delineate both the geometry and the vertical extension of the reservoirs, will yield new seismic volumes to support, optimize and validate well planning and positioning for better production efficiency and reduced drilling risks. More detailed surface interpretation, detailed fault mapping and rock property volumes can be accommodated using this process.

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Processes can run both in the PostStack and in the Gather domain, Time or Depth domain, and 2D or 3D seismic.


SGD technology has been proven in sandstones, carbonates and unconventional reservoirs in more than 150 fields from many basins around the world, in places like: Mexico, Venezuela, Russia, Argentina, North Sea, Kurdistan, Colombia, Algeria, Columbus Basin, Vietnam, Libya, Canada, Guyana, Peru, Mediterranean Sea, Brazil, USA & Norway.


SGD innovative workflow includes a series of processes along with deep learning algorithms:


  • PCE Principal Component Enhancement

  • Fibonacci Decomposition

  • SGD High Frequency Enhancement

  • SGD Layering

  • SGD Synthetic Reflectivity

  • SGD Spectral Inversion



  • More detailed seismic interpretations

  • High definition Fault Mapping

  • Unique volumes for seismic

    pattern analysis

  • Seismic versions that optimize

    the generation of rock property volumes and seismic facies classification

  • Assist well to well correlation

  • Paleo Karst delineation

  • High Resolution Curvature Volumes

  • Reflectivity Pattern delineation

  • High Resolution Elastic Volume Analysis

  • High Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy



  • Reduce uncertainty and drilling risks by better identifying geohazards

  • Better understand well productivity issues associated to structural or stratigraphic changes


High Resolution Elastic property volumes can be generated by using SGD workflows, even though, during the process amplitude ranges might be mildly affected, still a full range of qualitative volumes can be yielded. The images on the right show a P-impedance volume for the Interval of interest, within the reservoir window the Legacy Seismic lacks the resolution to resolve for vertical variations in the Zp log. SGD workflows can be run at gather or angle stack level to produce more detailed EEI, Coloured or Simultaneous Inversion.


Standard interpretation workflows for Structural and Strati- graphic analysis can be applied to the SGD volumes to improve reservoir understanding. The Fault Enhancement and Reservoir compartmentalization mapping products offered by CAYROS are some examples of this extended applicability (see image below).

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The images show the segmentation and compartmentalization for a natural fractured carbonate reservoir (Jurassic).  A very low frequency seismic 7Hz (left) fails to delineate properly the complex fault  setting in the field. Same workflow and parametrization is applied to both seismic versions. Early water breakthrough was prevented by a better well positioning away from faults. The fault trace volume generated from a higher frequency SGD 30Hz volume  improves the understanding of the segmentation within the window of interest.

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